
Your gift makes a measurable impact on lives of children, adults, and families throughout Lebanon County.

With the generous support of people like you, United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of all residents of Lebanon County. We know that we can accomplish so much more by working together than any one organization can alone. Along with individuals, businesses, and nonprofit agencies, we will build communities together by addressing the complex problems within Lebanon County and create solutions that will affect lasting change and help every citizen - young and old - thrive.

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Credit Card Donation

Recurring gifts will occur perpetually until you notify our office to stop payments. You may provide special instructions in the "Donor Notes" field below.



Recurring gifts will occur perpetually until you notify our office to stop payments. You may provide special instructions in the "Donor Notes" field below.


Click here to find out about our Campaign and Incentive Prizes! 

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Thank you for your support of United Way!

Message to our Donors:

Your trust and privacy are cherished by United Way of Lebanon County. We will not sell, share or trade our donors' names or personal information with any other entity. We promise to protect your charitable investment and personal information in keeping with the highest ethical standards. United Way donors and community partners have been able to count on this promise with confidence since our founding in 1931. We use the personal information that you or your employer have provided to us only for its intended purpose – to manage your charitable gift in keeping with donor intention. To read our full donor privacy policy, please click here.