THANK YOU!We are so grateful to the 450 volunteers who tackled projects all over Lebanon County on our 25th Day of Caring. The work that these local volunteers did is valued at almost $35,000 to our community. In addition to improvements made for our local nonprofits, our local libraries each hosted a Spring Into Reading Fest with United Way volunteers reading to local children. Each child was given a book and United Way bag with resources. Our annual blood drive was also once again a success. Our goal was 28 donors, and we reached 32, including five first-time blood donors. Thank you to the Lebanon Valley Family YMCA for once again hosting the drive, our partners at the American Red Cross, and to all of the donors whose impact will literally save lives. Want to see your impact in action? Follow us on Facebook, and check out images taken a various projects throughout the day. Our efforts to strengthen Lebanon County did not end after all of the shovels and paint brushes were put away. Even if you weren't able to give your time this year, we welcome you to GIVE4IMPACT. You can join our effort by making a tax-deductible contribution to United Way of Lebanon County today! Join us to LIVE UNITED, for Children, Families, and Our Future!
Thank you to our 2022 presenting sponsor:Thank you to our 25th Day of Caring sponsors:![]() |