2024 Annual Community ImPact Grantees
United Way of Lebanon County awarded its 2024 Community Impact Grants to:
Nick Services Salem Lutheran
Lebanon Family Health Services Inc. Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region, Inc.
Lebanon County Christian Ministries Union Community Care
St. James Players Power Packs Project
Lebanon County Library System Luthercare
Lebanon Valley Family YMCA Sexual Assault Resource & Counseling Center (SARCC)
PROBE Domestic Violence Intervention of Lebanon County, Inc.
Girls on the Run of Lancaster & Lebanon Making a Difference of Lebanon, PA
Phoenix Youth Center Compeer of Lebanon County
Lebanon School District Casa of Lancaster Lebanon Counties
United Way of Lebanon County Focus Areas
Our goal is to provide a hand up to our neighbors in need to help improve economic self-dependence, financial mobility, and family stability.
United Way of Lebanon County will invest in the following collaborative areas:
- Education & job training
- Legal assistance
- Financial empowerment
- Violence & abuse prevention
- Food Assistance
- Homelessness & affordable housing
- Health & mental health
Our priority is to ensure equal access to educational opportunities, improve academic performance, and increase family security so that students can reach their full potential.
United Way of Lebanon County will invest in the following collaborative areas:
- Summer Learning
- Mentorship
- Comprehensive services to children and families
Our priority is to create a strong foundation, build resiliency, and strengthen family stability so that children can learn, grow and thrive, while reaching critical milestones.
United Way of Lebanon County will invest in the following collaborative areas:
- Kindergarten readiness
- Early learning and literacy programming
- Affordable childcare
- Child abuse prevention
2025 Community Impact Grants
Grants and project funding amounts are awarded based upon the number of applications received that align with United Way of Lebanon County's areas of focus described above and funds sought.
United Way of Lebanon County welcomes creative and strategic solutions that seek to address the source of the complex challenges facing Lebanon County residents.
Eligibility Requirements & Guidelines:
- United Way of Lebanon County's Funding Eligibility Requirements.
- Eligible projects must serve individuals in Lebanon County.
- Applicants must either be a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization or a nonprofit organization as recognized by the IRS as such.
- This grant opportunity is open to singular or collective nonprofit organizations whose proposals will serve residents of Lebanon County.
- The minimum and maximum grant request amount in 2025 will be $1,000 - $25,000.
- United Way of Lebanon County will promote and accept grants both for existing programs/projects (those funded previously by UWLC grants and those that have not) AND new programs/projects for which the grant request is for startup or early-stage / scaling funding.
- Grant applications from small, mid-size and larger nonprofits will be accepted.
- There will not be a maximum number of years that a nonprofit can request sustaining grant funding for the same program / project. However, the United Way's intent is to not fund the same program / project in perpetuity and the United Way Community Impact Committee will evaluate most favorably grant applications for sustaining or expansion funding with requested funds that represent a decreasing percentage of the operating budget for the requested grant investment for those projects / programs.
- United Way of Lebanon County will not accept multi-year funding requests in the 2025 Grant cycle.
- In the 2025 grant cycle, the grantee reporting requirement has been changed to an 8-month report (Feb) due by March 5th. The same reporting form and format will be used as in previous grant cycles.
- As a grant reporting requirement, grantees will be asked to provide client testimonials / stories (impact stories) with their 8-month and 12-month reports. If grantees do not submit the 8-month grant report by March 5th (or have a reason why you did not that’s acceptable to the Community Impact Committee) that grantee is ineligible for the next cycle of grants.
- There will be in-person group meetings for potential applicants on December 10th at 9:30am and December 11th at 12:00pm at the Community Room at the Lebanon Library at 125 North 7th Street – one will be recorded and made available on this web page after December 11th.
Watch a short instructional video on creating an account and saving drafts.
All applicants are required to have or create an account to complete and submit your application. Keep your user name and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission. Also this username and password will continue to be used for agency reporting and future applications.
- LOGIN HERE (If you applied last year you already have a user name and password)
- CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - Recommend using your Agency Name as your User Name - watch for an email to set your password, check spam)
- RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password)
- LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Do not leave any blanks; enter N/A if not applicable.
Be sure to click "SAVE DRAFT" frequently, you will be able to return and work on the application as time permits. Be sure to click "SUBMIT" when completed, you will not be able to access completed submission, but you will be sent a copy of your submission.